Coach Training Frequently Asked Questions

Where does the training take place?

All our coach training is delivered live on Zoom, by Stuart the creator of the STILL Method

How long is the training?

There are 4 days of live training and an additional day to complete our adult/teenager programs.

Are there any ongoing fees?

No there is ongoing fee to be registered with us. Coaches are required to purchase a workbook for each person they work woth after training these are £12 for childrens books £14 for adults.

Is there ongoing support?

After training coaches receive ongoing mentoring, as well as access to marketing materials, monthly team meetings and twice yearly team days held around the UK.

Can I work with individuals as well as groups?

Around 50% of coaches work primarliy 1-2-1.

When is the next training?

All training dates are available on thsi link, we train coaches in very small groups, therefore dates do fill quickly.

Do you help with marketing?

Yes coaches receive access to lots of marketing materials.

Do I need experience?

No. Some of our best coaches joined us with no experience, and have gone on to be brilliant coaches. All we ask for is enthusiam and a willingness to learn. We check coaches criminal record history and references.